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The East Harlem School EDUCATION explicitly cultivates THE

body, spirit, & mind.


Our sports and fitness program teaches students to move with a balanced power that will help them physically negotiate the world and put into practice the understandings they’ve gained in the conventional EHS classroom. Our vegan kitchen teaches healthy living and eating practices.


Our advisory program and mediation practice ensure that students develop mindfulness and generosity of spirit. Our EHS Vow, recited daily, reminds students to act compassionately and with power that is guided and balanced with virtue.

I vow to be aware of all I think, say, and do and with this awareness of the world and all I think, say, and do, I promise to honor and protect myself, my family, and all others. 


Our elegant liberal arts curriculum encourages East Harlem School students to develop a deep and abiding curiosity and wonder about the changing world along with the skills to adapt to it.